Tuesday, July 10, 2012

I wouldn't have it any other way...

Wow. OK I promise you all (those of you that are actually interested in the musings of this man-child) that I will try to write in here more often. Since I am finally done with college--trust me no one was more shocked than my parents--I have a little bit more time to do what I truly love: write.

I have often said, both to my self and to those who read this blog in search of answers, that I don't claim to know any more than any of you nor do I claim to have any special knowledge about life or the strange, convoluted way that it tends to toss us all around. But someone very special reminded me how much I love doing this, and reminded me that I have something to offer, so I feel selfish not to share my simple thoughts with the world.

Today I want to talk about relationships. Any old kind will do. You know why? Because none of them are very different from one another.

The way I see it, we are all born with souls that long to know other souls. And by knowing, I don't simply mean saying the old how-are-you-I'm-fine-and-you type of knowing. We long to be intimate with one another.

So it is no mystery that when most of us are faced with this idea, usually in our early middle-school years, we wonder why we are so driven towards that person. We wonder why that particular person is all we can think about. You know the feeling, when all you want to do other than stand next to that person is to lay down at night so that you can try to dream about her.

I read a tweet recently from someone (you know how twitter works, we all copy the witticisms of about twelve other people and send them out in little 140-character boxes of humor as if they were our own) that read something to the effect of, "Our generation is so obsessed with dating and being in love." I call bull. The tweet should have read, "Humanity is so obsessed with loving and being in love."

Straight to the point, I wouldn't have it any other way. We have all been born with the innate sense that we are meant to be together. Not just romantically, socially, anything. I don't care who or how you love, as long as everyone involved feels fulfilled. None of us are perfect, not one. And it takes hard work to care for other people and not forget ourselves in the process. It is a delicate balance, but one of which you should never be afraid.

I know how you might feel. I have been there, as have most of us. If you haven't, then I honestly feel sorry for you. It is as much of a gift from God to feel the pain of heartbreak as it is to know the bliss that is true love.

My message is this, and take it from someone who has truly put himself out there before and been hurt: Never be afraid to truly love someone, and never be afraid to let someone love you. If they hurt you, then the time was not wasted. You know more of yourself and what you want. But never punish someone for someone else's mistakes. It's a vicious cycle that never ends.

You were meant to love, and be loved. Don't deny your God the gift he has given you.

Que dios les bendiga--God bless...
