Monday, April 20, 2009

Training Day

So last night I ended up staying up late and watching the movie Training Day with some friends. IF you've never seen it, Denzel Washington plays a crooked narcotics officer taking a rookie out for his first day on the streets. Pretty flippin' sweet movie.
Anyways, to the point. At one point, it may have been in a deleted scene I watched on the dvd but there is a scene where Denzel's character shows the rookie a tattoo on his forearm that read "Death is certain - Life is not." Within the movie this has a few different meanings, but what does it mean to me, and you?
No matter what one believes, it is an absolute certainty that every man will experience death. What happens at that point or after it is always of course up for debate and no one will ever know that can tell the tale. However, in the face of the inevitable death we will all see, every day we wake and breathe life is an opportunity, a chance, a gift. Life is never certain; there is no guarantee of a tomorrow for anyone. In light of this fact, it is important to make sure that you live each day to its fullest.
What does that even mean though? Live life to its fullest? It for many reasons evokes the sense that I should be taking risks everyday, doing things that I would love to say I have done when I reach the pearly gates, skydiving, base jumping, that sort of thing.
The way I see it, it all starts with stepping outside of one's comfort zone. Everyday doing something, anything, that goes against what you would otherwise be comfortable doing. It could be holding a door open for someone, giving a poor man change, or just smiling at someone on the street. Do what you can to break down these barriers that we are so quick to build to protect ourselves from other's thoughts, opinions and actions. Like I say all the time. In this life, we're all each other has. There is no reason, none, for avoiding interactions and situations that cause you discomfort. What is the cost of a moment of awkwardness, a moment in which you're just not that sure of yourself? It can change your life. Life is too short to care what the person in front of you thinks of you, as long as you can find something in that person to love. Not like, love.
It is my belief that each and every person, no matter how lame, dorky, stupid, annoying, whatever you wanna call them that any person is, they are a divine creation worthy of love. Who am I to say that anyone is unworthy of my love?
The love that I speak of is a difficult thing to understand, let alone practice. Loving people is an active decision that one makes, it is not something that just happens. It is not easy, you're going to meet people that you're just not going to like. But opening up to people and understanding that they, like you have fears, passions, dreams, and scars can change and affect your perspective on things and allows you to be a more open minded person. Not to mention that people will notice this quality. A person who truly makes an attempt to love everyone he meets is a man that people will respect and a man who will in the end be all the wiser. I'll prolly expand on the whole love thing later cause it's really deep stuff but it's late. DLB - Matty P


  1. It's illumanti. Masonic g sign

  2. The tattoo is a hustler's tattoo. It translates to "The only certainty in life, is that there are worse things than dying that you should be fearful of.(If you don't get "the score" on time)" It's a reminder to a hustler that if he fucks up, and is on the low when it comes to having his money ready for his master, that the punishment is worse than death... another tattoo that could be also similar is "Pray for death" or "Laugh Now, Cry Later". A hustler can not stop to rest, he's owned and he has to meet his end of a bargain struck with his higher-ups,or else he'll get his ass kicked in a very bad way, and he'll wish for death... but it will never be certain when death will come. It's a scary tattoo for freemasonic shitheads who have no way out of their obligations. In the movie "Training Day" Denzel Washington's character is a corrupt cop who is owned and owes (with other corrupt cops,and outside hustlers). He always has to get a certain amount of money before a certain deadline for his master(s) or face the consequence for being on the low (not having the appropriate tithe/tribute/score, "low on the money")... he can lose his priviledges, be turned out into a prostitute (as punishment), be tortured, be chopped into little bits and fed to dogs,etc. It's a real bad scene, he just happens to be a cop instead of a gangster, but they are all doing whatever it takes to score or else. That is what the tattoo means. Only bad people would have that on them.(Screwed-blue and tattooed.)

  3. I think (I might be wrong) that's a Special Forces tatoo. Also ankle is a very usual place for those. It will be very hard to confirm that because those guys keep it real tight to themselves. That is my theory.
